Monday 16 May 2016

Y6 Homework Project - details to come home this week but here is a sneak preview...

Homework Project for the next few weeks 
Due in Wednesday 8th June
Amazing Adaptations
Now that SATs have finished we want to give the children their final homework project to complete whilst at Shaftesbury Primary; we wanted to make it a good one!
It is all about designing your own creature……
This ties in really well with the Adaptation part of our current topic. The children have done lots of work on the adaptation of animals and their knowledge is not far off Sir David Attenborough standard! They should easily be able to tell you the adaptations that some animals have to enable them to live in the habitat in which they choose. Ask them….
Therefore, the challenge is for them to design their own animal which is adapted to live in one of the  three following habitats. They will need to choose their habitat and then think about all the amazing adaptations which that animal may need to survive in that particular habitat: how will it keep warm/cool, how will it protect itself from the elements and or predators, how will it find/catch food and find water, what will it use for shelter etc . They can be as imaginative as they like taking bits from lots of different animals alive today or making up their own awesome adaptations. It can be presented in any form they like: paintings, drawings, computer design packages, collage, clay, power point, Lego etc. The ideas that came out from the circulatory system homework were amazing so we look forward to seeing even more creative ideas!
It would be great if all the animals had some sort of information leaflet with them to explain why they have the adaptations the children have given them.,720,450
Habitat A – This is a place that is wet, wet, wet! It rains nearly all the time and there is no dry ground, only swamps which are full of pond weed and rushes. There are lots of really tall, bushy trees that grow up through the swamp.
Habitat B – Crikey, it is hot here - so hot that very little grows and finding water is a problem. Night times however are cold, really cold and anything that lives here has to survive each chilly night before facing the heat of the day. It is rocky and very sandy.
Habitat C – This is a place where there are active volcanoes, fire pits, acid pools and where most of the time it is very dark. It is extremely hot and not much grows here. There are rocky outcrops and finding food and drink is difficult.

The children have lots of time, including half term, so get creating!

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